The Modesto Irrigation District (District) is soliciting both Statement of Qualifications (SOQs), and Request for Proposals (RFPs) from qualified consultants on behalf of the Stanislaus & Tuolumne Rivers’ Groundwater Basin Association Groundwater Sustainability Agency (STRGBA GSA) for services to assist with the development and implementation of a Well Mitigation Plan and Management Actions to support the 2022 Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for the Modesto Subbasin, as revised in July 2024. Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) and Proposals are due Monday, September 23, 2024.
STRGBA GSA is seeking to form a new, small workgroup to provide guidance and input in developing and implementing a Well Mitigation Plan (WMP) and Management Actions (MA) for the Modesto Subbasin. We encourage representation from throughout the subbasin and ideally, would like to solicit and select participants from each management area. If you are interested in participating in the workgroup, please fill out the attached application. Completed applications can be submitted via email to by Friday, September 20, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by the WMP and MA ad hoc committee, and selected participants will be notified in October.